We're Australia's largest supplier of inflatable watercraft and accessories & we work hard to ensure we offer the best price. If you find another store offering a lower price for the same item, WE'll BEAT IT!
Please note the comparison is made on the total price that includes the shipping price. To get the best price all you have to do is simply email us at sales@airkayaksdirect.com.au and provide the details of the competitor’s product. We’ll do the rest to provide you with a custom coupon code to use at checkout for your discount.
The Fine Print
- Comparisons are made on total price, which includes shipping price.
- The comparison store must have the item in stock.
- The comparison store must be an authorised retailer of the item.
- The comparison store must not be a discounter or auction type store, i.e, eBay, Amazon, etc. are ineligible.
- Promotions such as Christmas, New Year’s or End of Financial Year specials are ineligible.
- Discounts applied are at the discretion of Air Kayaks Direct.